
“I’m taking off to travel the world” How to convince your family

Convince your family that you are going to travel the world is something hard and you will need valuable arguments to persuade them.
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When you have an innovative idea it’s difficult to convince your family. The hardest it convinces your family that you are going to travel the world. Even if it’s your dream you always going to find someone that will think you’re crazy, unrealistic or go to a life crisis.

My biggest fear it’s been this, announce to my close family and friends that I’m about to change my life. To tell them how this will affect my entire world. I have so many questions but, I guess it’s normal to have it. My biggest afraid is that people don’t understand my idea. How this is realistic and for sure what I want to do in life. I will become more flexible and happier. I’m going to have the freedom to create, to organise and most of all to spend more time with people that I love.

But, first of all, in my point of view, it’s necessary to:

Show facts and not dreams

After all, facts are ‘realistic’ and dreams aren’t. When you decided to start working in a remote way it’s easy if you search for people that have done the same and achieve success. It’s all about showing real facts indicative of success. Talk about the way they have done to accomplish the main goals. Show what you willing to do to reach happiness and profit life.

Bet in knowledge and skills

Although, you don’t have work experience in the field that you’re about to start, prove that your commitment to it. Find information, the internet it’s a precious platform and an endless resource to obtain all you want.

It’s important to purchase knowledge. It doesn’t matter the way you do it but, above it all, you have to put it into practice the knowledge gain. It isn’t the quantity of time spent working but, how much effort you put in every single task.

Plan it all

If you have a dream, doesn’t mean that you don’t have to plan everything. It’s always good to have a nice established plan. You have to do it for most of the things in your life. It’s easier to follow some steps, be coordinated and organised.

Convince your family

When you show them that this is your dream and you will make all you can to achieve that, they will understand and support you. Take your plan and knowledge to persuade them. Use your natural skills and abuse of the phrase: “It’s my lifeThis is the best point to convince your family that you are going to travel the world.

Share your success and let people know that you are happy

When you reach something that you have to work hard for, share with family and friends. It’s crucial that they know and most of all they see that your idea of travel the world isn’t so pointless.

Your family and friends want to see you happy. If this new lifestyle that you choosing makes you happy, let them know about it. If you’re happy they will be happy to.

Read more about travel inspiration or find the information that you need to plan your dream travel in our travel resources.


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